Tekstil Kaplamaları


Coated textiles are used in many areas such as agriculture, automotive, clothing, home furniture, medical, protective clothing.

Poliüretan kaplama malzemeleri çoğunlukla DMF gibi insana ve çevreye zararlı çözücüler ile sunulmaktadır. Özellikle suni deri üretiminde çoğunlukla kullanılan bu malzemeler bu dezavantajları nedeniyle zamanla uygulamadan kalkmaktadır. Birçok tekstil kaplamalar ise değişik solvent sistemlerin kullanıldığı poliüretanlar ile yapılmaktadır.

PURIN olarak alışılmış poliüretan kaplamalar yerine su bazlı poliüretanların üretimi ve uygulamaları üzerine çalışmaktayız. Su bazlı sistemler hem çözücülerin dezavantajlarını ortadan kaldırmakta hem daha yüksek performanslı ürünlerin tasarımlarına olanak sağlamaktadırlar.

Suni deri, orijinal deri, yağmurluk, iş kıyafetleri, çadır ve brandalar, spor kıyafetleri ve ayakkabı tekstil ürünleri gibi birçok alanda poliüretan kaplamalar tercih edilmektedir. Tenimize temas edecek kadar yakın olan bu kimyasal kaplamaları seçme konusunda çok hassasiyet göstermemiz gerekiyor. Bu nedenle PURIN su bazlı poliüretan sistemleri ile bu alanda sizlere çözüm sunmaktadır.

PURINCOAT AL 101PURINCOAT AL 101 is a polycarbonate polyol based anionic polyurethane dispersion. Since it is an aliphatic based resin, it does not turn yellow with UV light.
PURINCOAT AL 102PURINCOAT AL 102 is a polyester polyol based anionic polyurethane dispersion. Since it is an aliphatic based resin, it does not turn yellow with UV light.
PURINCOAT BM 201PURINCOAT BM 201 is a two-component, fast curing, bitumen-polyurethane based waterproofing membrane. It forms an impermeable film by adhering perfectly to the applied surface. It is resistant to water and moisture.
PURINCOAT IC 401PURINCOAT IC 401 is a two-component polyurethane coating specially formulated for industrial coatings.
PURINCOAT PR 106PURINCOAT PR 106 is a one-component, aromatic and solvent-based polyurethane primer.
PURINCOAT PR 107PURINCOAT PR 107 is a one-component, aromatic, low viscosity and solvent-based polyurethane primer.
PURINCOAT PR 501PURINCOAT PR 501 is a one-component, aliphatic and solvent-based polyurethane primer.
PURINCOAT PR 701PURINCOAT PR 701 is a polycarbonate polyol-based, single-component, water-based, aliphatic polyurethane primer produced with PUD technology.
PURINCOAT PR 702PURINCOAT PR 702 is a polyester polyol-based, single-component, water-based, aliphatic polyurethane primer produced with PUD technology.
PURINCOAT RL 101PURINCOAT RL 101 is a polycarbonate polyol based anionic polyurethane dispersion. Since it is an aliphatic based resin, it does not turn yellow with UV light.
PURINCOAT RL 102PURINCOAT RL 102 is a polyester polyol based anionic polyurethane dispersion. Since it is an aliphatic based resin, it does not turn yellow with UV light.
PURINCOAT RM 401PURINCOAT RM 401 is a two-component, solvent-free liquid waterproofing membrane. Since it is solvent-free, it is suitable for use in waterproofing of water tanks.
PURINCOAT RM 402PURINCOAT RM 402 is a two-component, solvent-free liquid waterproofing membrane. Since it is solvent-free, it is suitable for use in waterproofing of water tanks.
PURINCOAT RM 601PURINCOAT RM 601 is a one component, polyurethane waterproofing membrane. After it is applied, it cures with the humidity in the air and forms a highly elastic film. It is a liquid membrane and is ready to use.
PURINCOAT RM 602PURINCOAT RM 602 is a one component, bitumen modified polyurethane waterproofing membrane. After it is applied, it cures with the humidity in the air and forms a highly elastic film. It is a liquid membrane and is ready to use.
PURINCOAT RM 703PURINCOAT RM 703 is a one-component, filler-containing, aliphatic, water-based polyurethane dispersion resin liquid membrane. Thanks to its high elasticity, it forms a waterproof insulation membrane. The product contains 25% filler.
PURINCOAT RM 704PURINCOAT RM 704 is a single component, filler containing, aliphatic, water based polyurethane dispersion resin liquid membrane. Thanks to its high elasticity, it forms a waterproof insulation membrane. The product contains 40% filler.
PURINCOAT RM 801PURINCOAT RM 801 is a one-component, contains filler material, aliphatic, water-based polyurethane dispersion resin liquid membrane. Thanks to its high elasticity, it creates a waterproof insulation membrane.
PURINCOAT SM 102PURINCOAT SM 102 is a one-component, UV resistant polyurethane coating material. It cures with moisture on the surface and forms a high crack-bridging film resistant to weather conditions.
PURINCOAT SM 701PURINCOAT SM 701 is a one-component, polycarbonate polyol-based, anionic water based polyurethane dispersion with very high mechanical strength and high chemical resistance. It’s a transparent, semi-flexible, resistant to sunlight, long-lasting waterproofing material that is not affected by external weather conditions.
PURINCOAT SM 702PURINCOAT SM 702 is a one-component, polyester polyol-based, anionic water based polyurethane dispersion with very high mechanical strength and high chemical resistance. It’s a transparent, flexible, resistant to sunlight, long-lasting waterproofing material that is not affected by external weather conditions.